LB Maf 06!Our Maf 06 celebrations was held on 07 Oct 06! Yeap, though, its after the actual festival itself. All of us had much fun, ya?
Anyway, all of us volunteers gathered at the void deck of block 3 at 1.30. Some of our volunteers were given the privilege of asking our elderly down to join us. Of course, there were many other residents who joined us too. So after the interaction session with the residents, our celebrations kicked off with a round of
Bingo at 2. Well, nothing new to this, as usual 5 in a row to win.
Next up, was our main highlight of the day, our very own 1st ever
LB Superstar! Singing 1st was our only female contestant, Shu Hui, who sang 'Dan Yuan Ren Chang Jiu'. She was certainly nervous at 1st, but regained her composure after that,. Next up was Qing Wei, who sang who kinda forgot some of his lyrics half-way, but after that, with the encouragement of the residents, he bravely carried on and completed his song, 'Wan Wan De Yue Liang'. And since its the moon-cake festival afterall, Xihui, sang Yue Liang Dai Biao Wo De Xin. Xi Qian, the next singer was the only one who sang 'Ai Pia Jia A Yia'. He tried to make it as interactive as possible by constantly encouraging the audience to join him, and yea, you can see some of them joining them, esp during the chorus part. Jian Ming, with his song, 'Shang Hai Tan', won the applause of the audience, even just after he started singing.
After the songs was voting time. Firstly, the singers were re-introduce 1 by 1, and the audiences were given tags to give to their favourite LB Superstars. And next... the moment of truth! As the votes were being tallied, everyone held their breathes. And everyone started cheering as soon as the winner, Jian Ming, was announced! (But I do think they're all winners too, ya? Having the courage to sing in front of the audience.) So our winner was awarded a slash and a certificate too by Wan Zhen. Next, a lucky winner , 1 of Jian Ming's fans was picked by him in a lucky draw, and given a prize.
Next, was another round of Bingo. Our
Lucky Lucky was held after this. After the winners were selected from the lucky draw, they were asked to select a winning lantern to determine their prize.
Finally, for the finale, our LB Superstars sang the song, 'Dan Ni Gu Dan, Ni Hui Xian Qi Shui' together. And the event drew to a close at 4.
THANK a BIG you to
U volunteers who came down to make it possible, Maf 06 was a
huge success!

Just look at all the smiles! The elderly too enjoyed themselves too.
Briefing the volunteers...
Interaction with the residents
All simles!
Meet the LB Superstars! 
Tallying the votes... Congrates to Jian Ming for being the winner.
(Click on pic to view clip)
Luck Lucky
Choosing the lucky lantern
A happy winner!
Weijian :)
(Looking fwd to X'mas celebration)
Link to Maf 2006 photos