Monday, September 10, 2007

8th Sep Visit~!

This is MY first official Mandarin team in LB 07/08~! There is no 'I' in 'team' (but there is an 'm' and an 'e'..)

The L-derly here is Mdm Quek J F from Malacca. She's Hainanese. Guess what's the first question one would ask after knowing that she's Hainanese?

"Do you know how to make Hainanese chicken rice?"

I find it amusing because I have heard Swe Swe asking her that before! And today Hui4 Qun2 (the girl in blue, trying to act cute) also asked her that. Maybe I should ask my Singaporean friends whether they know how to prepare Rojak.

Yes, and I will remember to hand Mdm Quek the photos during the next visit or else I..

will do so during the next next visit. =)

Suanzy Tan Suan Hong
