Visit on 28 Oct 06
Visit on 28 Oct 06
Well, for this visit we only 5 people turned up: Victor, Wan Zhen, Qinyun, Zenov and myself. So we could only have 1 group to visit the residents.
Us and Uncle Tan and Uncle Lee

1st, we went to Uncle Tan's (English speaking) home. Other than a slight cough, he was basically alright. And well, we basically played cards throughout, cos he was like: "so what will be playing today?". So Victor introduced a new card game. Basically this's how to play:
1. 3 players to play.
2. Dealers give out 10 cards each.
3. Objective of the game is to clear our hands the fastest.
4. Each person throws 1 card and draws one card.
5. Players can place the cards on the 'floor' once he/she gets 3 or more cards in sequence of the same suit (eg K, Q, J of spades)
6. After this step, he/she can place 3 of the same kind on the floor (eg Queen of spade, diamonds and clubs), or as before, 3 or more cards in sequence of the same suit.
7. Winner is the person who has finished clearing his/her cards 1st or has the fewest points by the time the cards run out.
And well, Uncle Tan won like every round! With his wealth of exp, he won us hands down for like 6 rounds continously. Ha, and we really didn't give in to him. Guess that 'Ginger that is old is the spicest' :) He was going for a 'excursion' soon, and so we left at around 3.
Next, we paid a visit to Uncle Lee, a Hokkien speaking elderly. His wife wasn't around as she went visiting their son. He said that his scan was postphoned by a week. It was the 1st time I heard him speak about his children. He had 9 children, but he gave 1 away. His eldest son is working in a ship company, and second son deals with mechanical stuff. His youngest son used to stay with him, but he was jobless and used to ask him for money to smoke and drink, but he decided to move out.
After that, he talked about the olden days when life was tough. Also, he complained about some volunteers (not ours). For example, when he went for one of the dinners once, they ordered them to sit at certain places, and also, after that didn't allow them to bring the food back. Hmph!
Then, we went with him together to Block 1 as he was going for the 'excursion' (same as Uncle Tan's). And off to BBS we went! Btw, dun forget about the Exam Destress Outing this Friday, 03 Nov, and there will be a visit on 04 Nov as well, before the exams. Seeya ard!
Weijian :)
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