Sunday, March 09, 2008

[8 Mar] Childhood Celebrations~!

"As people age, they become more like children." - By some-wise-guy-whose-name-doesn't-matter.

Maybe that was what inspired this celebration.

2.00 – 2.10: Interaction with Ls

2.10 – 2.20: Canto group performance

2.20 – 2.40: Game 1 – Bools (Throwing Of Hoops Into Stacked Cans)

2.40 – 2.50: Hokkien & Singlish group performance (The Moon Represents My Heart)

2.50 – 3.10: Game 2 – Songs Catching (Oldies)

3.10 – 3.40: Balloon Sculpturing (Poodles, X-bred dogs, Flowers)

3.40 – 3.50: Teochew group performance (Buns of Sin En & Jin Feng?!)

3.50 – 4.00: Prize giving / Lucky Draw (Lots Of Birds' Nest)

At the end of the celebrating, we moved the tables back into place & stacked up the chairs. And I witnessed a disturbing incident. Luke wanted to help an elderly man with something but the elderly man starkly rejected his help. I went forward to ask Luke whether he knew why was he rejected. He speculated that maybe some old people want to DIY to show that they are still useful. That is very true. On the other hand, we have elderly who are ever so thankful of any help rendered.

LB would like to express our gratitude to Weiching, Wilson, Jiayan, Jasmine, Geraldine & a certain elderly: Xiao Yun.

PS: If you were to ask me what buns do I like, I would say the bigger the better Da Bao (pork) & Char Siew Bao. =)

Pub IC
