Chinese New Year Celebrations 07
Say "L"!
Yeap, Sin En, I'm sure the elderly and the volunteers, old and new enjoyed themselves. It was great!
Huat ah!
This celebration was pretty different as cny songs were sang throughout the whole event rather than just all at a go. Certainly a good idea, so that the elderly won't feel too bored listening to song after song after song after... Also, there were many new games.
First game up was BINGO, our classic game, which was played while the Ls were enjoying their 'Tan Yuan'. Next was the 'Peel the Oranges' fastest compeition. Each elderly was asked to peel an orange and the table that completes the task the fastest wins. And 'jiang hai shi lao de la', and they completed peeling the oranges so very quickly. Must offer more challenge next time. (Maybe open durian instead? :P)
Spotting the difference
Then we performed a skit. And laughter was heard when I was introduced as Suan Hong's dad and Swe Swe as her mum. Guess they must have found it ironic that we have such a tall son. But then again, its possible mah, if he gets our recessive genes, then... Anyway, the Ls were supposed to spot the differences between the two skits that we performed. Not bad, they managed to spot most of the errors. (Good thing they did, otherwise Suan Hong and Tan Ching might have to carry on hugging forever.)
Piecing the puzzle
After this, we played another table game. The Ls had to piece two complete puzzles. (yea, that's what Sin En was cutting out yesterday) They didn't finish this as quickly as the oranges challenge, but nevertherless, the same group who won the previous table challenge completed this the quickest too.
Lucky draw was up next, divided into three sections. Firstly, five lucky winners who found a sheet of paper underneath their table won. Next, was the drawing of pin-pong balls to decide the next five winners. For the ultimate prize, Ls were asked to decide their favorite group for the singing portion. And the lucky winner was the choosen from the votes.
Getting ready to 'lao yu sheng'
We then 'lao yu sheng'. Some of the Ls were quite nice, and asked us to 'lao' and eat with them also. For our finale, we sang 'Cai Sheng Dao' together.
Happy New Year, everyone. Huat ah! =)
cny 07 photos
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