Monday, November 13, 2006

Candice's Birthday!

Tomorrow (Tues 14 Nov) is Candice's birthday!

Allow me to represent LB and write her a testimonial. Nothing mushy, here I go.. *ahem*

Candice is in NUS for exchange. She does not need any CCA points to stay in her hostel. Also, her contributions to the club would not be reflected in her portfolio. Yet she still chose to do community work, in a country she does not belong to. I noticed that.

She is also in HCA Hospice. *me too* In my opinion, visiting the elderly and the terminally-ill takes a BIG heart and a matured mind. I used to think I am already learnt. She made me think otherwise. She keeps me humble after talking to her.

She is very appreciative of the committee's efforts. Victor's translations, Zenov's outing organisations and updates of LB-related events on Tan Ching's blog are just some of the examples. She was very happy to receive a candle for the Mid Autumn Festival celebration. She feels a sense of belonging in LB because she feels appreciated.

Sheng Ri Kuai Le to my darling! :)

"Suanzy" Tan Suan Hong
Befriend, love, and be loved.

(PS: nice photo right? haha..)