MAF 1101: Mooncake Making
hi peepz! it's meee again! Mod W, blogging live from the venue of LB's 1st MAF 1101: Mooncake Making Session!
yep, today, the committee of LB MAF 2006 organized a session for making mooncakes amidst the heat of preparations for mid-terms and term paper. In addition, several other Befrienders came down (or is it up) to lend a hand, literally!!
The guys met at Punggol MRT at 1130 and cos there were still latecomers (erhemz...), so we went for a simple lunch at the void deck of zenov's place. We started officially at 1230, with Ching demonstrating and teaching us the technics of stuffing the mooncake with fillings and making them.

ok, for the clueless, we DIDN'T make the mooncakes 100% by ourselves. We got the finished snowskin and fillings from Ching's aunt and then came together to put those 2 main ingredients together and voila! the mooncake is in shape!
So now, allow me to impart what we learnt onto this blog:
1) Divide the skin into equal portions, about the size of a marshmallow.
2) Roll the skin into a ball and then flatten it into the size of the base of a mug.
3) Place the filling in the middle of the skin and wrap the skin around it. While pressing the filling into the skin to keep it from oozing out, cover the filling entirely.
4) Fine tune the 'dumpling' by smoothing out the 'faultlines' on the dumpling by rubbing them. Severe 'faultlines' can occur when you put too much flour.
5) Stuff the 'dumpling' into the mould and flush the base of the mooncake with the mould.
6) Whack the mould with the opening facing up.
7) Tap the finished mooncake out.
Everybody had their try on each step of the mooncake making process and it was indeed a fun experience. Cos most of us are VERY refined people, we didn't really mess up the place a lot.
No doubts.
Finally, we had a leisure chat in the living room, a rare break from the crazy mugging we've had from the past few weeks. I mean, what is all mugging without some leisurely break? We surely have to know how to enjoy life sometimes, yar??
Mod W
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