Bye Bye Outreach, Hello LBFD!!
CSC Outreach ended its 3-day run today (17 August 2006) and everybody was glad that we managed to persuade quite a number of newbies to come down for LBFD to join in the Befriending Experience.

LB 'booth'. sorry for the mess, we were preparing for LBFD...
While we were doing the recruitment, most of us also helped do the souvenirs for LBFD. Yep, you guys are gonna be one of the 1st to know about this LB Confidential 2: a bkmark!

LBFD door gift
It also doubles as a name tag on the day of LBFD. All you have to do is to clip the bkmark onto the LEFT sleeve of your shirt/t-shirt/blouse and calling out names of newbies and seniors alike will be as easy as saying LBFD!

LBFD name tag
Of cos, this implies that you are reminded to wear something with sleeves (^^)
Preparations for LBFD is already rolling. With the souvenirs mostly done, we're gonna do some shopping and gift-wrapping on Friday and then, on Sat morning, go prepare the food for the afternoon.

Working for LBFD
Seniors, please be reminded to mit at COMMONWEALTH MRT STATION at 1315hrs (1.15pm). The newbies will be asked to mit there and it will be nice if you guys are also there to welcome them informally. =) But of cos, it's not compulsory to mit then and there cos some of you may find it inconvenient.
BUT BUT BUT the event starts at 1345hrs (1.45pm), when we will start to prepare and go up and ask the elderly to come down, so pls do remember to reach Blk 3 by then ; )
~ Moderators

Happy befrienders after Outreach session =) (from left) shuohan, james, victor, tran & zenov
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